Saturday, October 27, 2007

Leeds Fans "GREET" Swansea 22-9-07

Duration: 03:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-22 13:57:50
User: geofemmett
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Leeds Make it 7 out of 7


djbd2k7 ::: Favorites
swanseamike Put a sock in a mate lol Swansea fans? Hard? Even Cardiff are harder than you and im off to swansea away and if you wanna make sure i die then go for it. n not even half of the service crew were there, thers a few little kids tryin to wind you up. If the Leeds Service crew arent hard then why are they one of the most feared in europe, if u dont believe me type it in on wikipedia.
07-10-25 16:34:38
bd1207 ::: Favorites
wer not run by pakis geof as ii was abviously favouring the welsh cunt ?? are u not favouring the pakis ? YORKSHIRE YORKSHIRE !!!
07-10-18 07:25:05
swanseamike ::: Favorites
premiership team haaahaaaaaaaaaa your in league 1, no thanks im not losing all my money on your being in premiership you dull cunt your the 1 that said intimidate us. then changed it because you fucking know you didnt. intimidate? dont come to swansea you will cry and ill make sure you fucking die if i see a picture of you and see you outside away end STICK THE HEAD IN JACKOS
07-10-17 23:00:21
geofemmett ::: Favorites
swanseamike you are so full of shite mate, its cunts like you who give the welsh a bad name, you are a total cunt, "at the end of the day" thats what you taffs say init? its all about what goes on, on the feild is it not, its twats like you who give football a bad name, we are a premiership team and you can put ur mortgage on it we will be back there within 3 years, and you bd1207 ur a fuckin prick, your bitter cos ur run by pakis u div, bfd who? u fuckin nonce
07-10-16 15:53:16
swanseamike ::: Favorites
swansea backed of? what do you think the police was pushing them for where are the people blocking the mouthy not moving leeds? if their firm isnt there where are they? to much faggot panseys hiding in their pubs? go on leeds do try come out the away end carpark against us we will fucking smash you wank face cunts try the lip down here and you know full right what will happen and so does everyone else make our new year and early xmas present and turn up.
07-10-16 05:02:09
bd1207 ::: Favorites
are you lot blind thers a descent number from jacks and the leeds FANS !! are ther, not the firm from wat i see but still bothed backed off. it was gifted on a plate and wat did you do ? fuk all i hate the leeds been a BRADFORD lad
07-10-15 12:01:33
swanseamike ::: Favorites
isnt it lol...lying cunts
07-10-14 19:42:31
swanseamike ::: Favorites
you have some leeds fans and the closest 1 to our fans is a woman...says it all really you all mouthy cunts behind a line, where was the moving forward from you lot with the 1 steward blocking you. thick cunt YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE AT HOME. laughing at you.
07-10-14 19:41:46
swanseamike ::: Favorites
So isnt it easier for the leeds to go to the line than the swansea to push the line to get to them seeing as it will take about 4 strides from their fans? Why didnt they? oh thats right they are dwarfs and dont know how to kick of. wait till they come down here they wont be seen outside the away end
07-10-14 19:40:55
swanseamike ::: Favorites
right, if that isnt the leeds firm where was they? fuck all nowhere to be seen. lying cunts the lot of the leeds bunch are and they know it even if they deny it simple as that I was there and I seen everything they are absalutely fuck all . Plus- they have 1 steward stopping the leeds fans, we have horses, police line and guys in suites whatever the hell they are.
07-10-14 19:40:38

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