Monday, October 29, 2007


Duration: 02:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-26 21:59:54
User: billybobjoe57
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The Blue Walnut #97


sj702 ::: Favorites
Bush was honest during one of his first debates, he told us he would take care of the top 2% of the wealthiest people in the nation. He is by far the greatest corporate president in US history. He's raping us all, but was honest about it from the very beginning.
07-10-29 02:23:11
55ella2007k ::: Favorites
I live out west, up north. My electric bill last month, came to $ 190 dollars. No AC, and I haven't even turned on the heat yet. It's not even a house, but an 850 sq feet apartment, and I am not home most of the just the fridge, and the computer in the evening. Hey, but the economy is doing great! Right?
07-10-29 00:25:21
chickenbutt357 ::: Favorites
dont you people get it? bush doesnt want to give the poor free heat, instead he is trying to stop enviormental legislation so that global warming will keep the poor cozy in winter. why heat one home when you can heat the entire earth!
07-10-28 22:00:31
chickenbutt357 ::: Favorites
paul would probably do more than bush to screw the poor.
07-10-28 21:57:35
MojoJuana ::: Favorites
yeah, we're living in a bizarro world alright! ...and dubya, way to go for a born again christian.
07-10-28 21:12:08
gobee53 ::: Favorites
Instead of guessing and imagining why don't you find out. Do a little research.
07-10-28 20:28:32
look2leap4 ::: Favorites
sad really... I would say about half of them would really need it. Seriously, that is still way too many people for the President to even consider cutting their funding. Why is he so evil, he is so evil it is almost inconceivable.
07-10-28 20:07:31
veriteez ::: Favorites
I have no health insurance. I don't whine about it. Help poor who can't physically work, and poor children, but anyone who can work, but uses this as a crutch not to, no pity.
07-10-28 19:49:32
SUBdiversity ::: Favorites
I agree with your sentiment but what do you mean "NOW" we're killing people who had nothing to do with 9/11 ?. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 period. Ask Bush who pushed the button. Ask him what happened to WTC7 while your at it.
07-10-28 19:33:38
gobee53 ::: Favorites
You have to remember the quailty of life Americans have now cuts into Corporate profits. We can make do with less and still make it in to work I bet some Neocon's just popped a boner over the concept.
07-10-28 19:29:50

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