Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Duration: 02:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-29 22:39:01
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DoubleDouchbag ::: Favorites
Another quality upload.... Thank you
07-10-31 05:08:37
clinelou ::: Favorites
I am so bewildered at the total bullshit coverage on the Faux News Channel that it makes me lose total faith in the American public to discern fact from opinion.
07-10-31 04:55:34
JodyRigs ::: Favorites
Man you got that right! It's going so much better in Iraq that all they got was O'Reilly not having his facts right, which is not often! Sorry Libs, we are winning.
07-10-31 00:55:05
TAMARLANE ::: Favorites
I don't watch much TV anymore. I watch a little PBS news hour. Sometimes I watch a news program, and I usually turn to fox. Fox is a little more positive and upbeat and supportive of what our government is trying to do to improve things. Most of the spin, negative, leftist spin, on most of the other channels is fairly obvious to one as hoary as I.
07-10-30 22:56:21
33115566 ::: Favorites
Fox just can't get their facts straight. Its the equivalent of O'Reilly mooning the audience.
07-10-30 22:45:01
sidiggy1 ::: Favorites
Um - he fixed the error, but did not apologize for attacking the other networks, and then they repeated the error the next day, with no retraction. MSNBS was not lauding the death of troops, but challening the misinformation of Fox, which specificallyu attacked other stations for not reporting Fox's "error."
07-10-30 22:21:14
sidiggy1 ::: Favorites
The ratings just show that sheep like Okie would prefer to hear a pleasant fantasy than to learn what is really going on in life. Bravo Okie!
07-10-30 22:19:48
sidiggy1 ::: Favorites
Even if it were true - going a week without losing an American life is certainly better than the alternative, but not in my view breaking news. One good weak would not mean the war is working or turning around.
07-10-30 22:17:31
AtheismFTW ::: Favorites
Maybe you didn't watch the rest of the video sir. The Faux News channel repeated the mistake the next morning and this time they didn't say "they made a mistake." They didn't apologize the second time. So, go take your Ritalin and watch it again.
07-10-30 22:01:07
worldwanderer91 ::: Favorites
O'REILLY is a friggin liar. How could he say there were no casulties? AP reports it all the time every time I check YahooNews. People should really stop watching FOX News. That goes for you too conservaties.
07-10-30 22:00:20

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