Tuesday, October 9, 2007

When your friends find out you Self Injure...

Duration: 19:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-24 03:20:21
User: xsullengirlx
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What do you do when your friends or family find out that you cut or burn yourself? How can you defend yourself? What if your friends just WON'T understand? We need to change the way society views Self-Injury. We need to EDUCATE people and raise AWARENESS... But where should we begin?


Rizzy83 ::: Favorites
I know how hard that is when people preach to you and act like they understand when they really don't have a clue. You're amazing for standing up in front of all those people and coming out. One thing I do in case of situations like that is that I carry around my truth/myth cards that have the five big myths on it, plus links to sites that explain what it is, and then I don't even bother arguing with them, I just walk away.
07-10-05 13:46:26
lainonthewired ::: Favorites
Hi Christie. I loved this video. It impacted me quite strongly. I realized that my own addictions and problems will probably never be brought up because they don't have a physical manifestation, and that just because I may see someone with scars or burns or something obvious like that doesn't mean that I need to confront them about it. No one needs their friends to make them feel badly about something they struggle with. No one needs a preacher.
07-10-03 17:29:04
akuma11424 ::: Favorites
O_o ara? My comment was never posted. I wanted to say I enjoyed your video ^^ I just found out a friend self-injures as well, just like me. What you said helped me and made me think. I've met people who preach, and people who overreact. P.S. I love your hair and makeup.
07-10-02 16:38:33
ZiggyZaggyZan ::: Favorites
Very well said.
07-10-01 02:48:23
r2beararms19 ::: Favorites
Hey girl, great video...you did the right thing by trying to help your friend. I just want to say I love you. Take care and see you around....You said a very true thing if people didnt see it on your skin they would never know or question it..... hugs....
07-09-30 14:53:56
aixerona ::: Favorites
yeah i know short sleeves are trouble. then again sometimes it gets so hot you feel you might faint, esp. at parties x_X
07-09-29 21:30:50
781pac ::: Favorites
I listened. It is very very theraputic, because I know I am not alone, and this subject is not covered in a lot of places. Thank you. I hope you worked your stress off after that video. ~Paul
07-09-29 03:21:38
jenjdickinson ::: Favorites
Good for you to stand up to those guys, I'm so proud of you! I hope that you and your friend who does SI will be able to lean on another for support. Maybe those guys were just being stupid because beer=instant asshole sometimes. But alcohol or not, no excuse for their behaviors! Hang in there! If you ever need to talk, of course give me a call or email!
07-09-28 23:33:35
xsullengirlx ::: Favorites
thank you :)
07-09-28 21:32:16
sweptoffgirl ::: Favorites
07-09-28 21:21:26

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