Friday, December 21, 2007

Kthjellu - Mundohem qe ta harroj

Duration: 04:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-14 05:09:36
User: deejaymarsel
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12Friends4ever ::: Favorites  2007-11-21 20:12:18

DJ marsel a bon bre me e gjet diqysh edhe kengen pa nënë (per momentin spom kujtohet kengtari) po transmetohet en bbf shum e mu duk qe ti kishe shum kenge te bbf? FLM
virusiiiii ::: Favorites  2007-11-12 16:03:01

hallall be ju koft shum tqart jon qeshtu bohet muzik ,kush e mer vesh muziken ne ta vlersojn e jo me fillozofu po thune realitetin
lacrymosee ::: Favorites  2007-09-15 10:20:17

they rockkkkkkkkkkkk ;) :D
eliseros ::: Favorites  2007-08-30 15:38:55

Duke marr parasysh kushtet financiare gjendjen ne te cilen gjendet vendi yne mendoj se eshte nje arritje e nivelit te larte Kulturoro-Artistik.Tipat po kan shije per muzik edhe eshte taman kjo qe i ka mungu muzikes shqipe deri koheve te fundi.Nese per rockun shqiptar prej me te dobteve e kisha klasifiku Elita 5.pernime shume Softy Gays jan edhe skan kurrfar shije.Kthjellu sukses ....Bravo.Tung nga Colplayer-Ch.
fatoniiiiii ::: Favorites  2007-08-07 05:23:41

qikjo kang tish kon edhen e top fest 4 kish dal ma e mira perfect
Mulliqka ::: Favorites  2007-06-11 04:06:01

It's just simply music that has no soul, no creativity, just samples over samples taken from others....and do you know why...and the answer is lack of cultural education. How can you sing, when you don't listen to music, especially the exact genre you're trying to produce....I heard once the lead singer in an interview saying "Our genre is alternative". Do you call this music alternative in the first place?
kosovaeagel ::: Favorites  2007-06-09 18:23:01

very well said mulliqka... when are we going to stop stealing from others and create smth of our own??? Never
tipkaa ::: Favorites  2007-05-27 12:36:51

send i mir aman shum me trip
Mulliqka ::: Favorites  2007-05-21 05:29:54

fuckin' commercial shit...assholes, bashk me at albanin qe i qkoqen 3 doors down, prej bagllamve i kan qit tu i vjedh
Barishte ::: Favorites  2007-05-02 14:53:59

kjo duhej te kishte fituar, jo DICKA
Une81pr ::: Favorites  2007-04-18 06:56:20

great song! bravo ju koft!
vlorafr ::: Favorites  2007-04-09 09:26:27

lindagjk ::: Favorites  2007-03-26 06:47:54

kenga me e bukur ne top fest 3

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