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Duration: 04:38 minutes Upload Time: 2007-12-27 02:15:28 User: StephanAOTTO :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Washington, D.C. November, 2007 |
Comments | |
TivoliEclipse ::: Favorites 2008-01-05 10:17:31 TriviOne... that was Dee Dee Bridgewater! Thank you! I could not put my finger on it. She looks fabulous! Her applause for Ms. Ross was surreal. __________________________________________________ | |
corneliuswashington ::: Favorites 2008-01-03 22:58:08 oh and keep old girls performance UP ...miss adams...when i put my camera awayi sat back and watched old girl SING...the other photographers backed me up verbally but continued to shoot her...so i shot everyone AROUND HER...particularly the openly GAY organist that performed with her...i can totally seperate the TALENT from THE TASTELESS...you feel me... __________________________________________________ | |
corneliuswashington ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 14:21:09 AUTTO ...you KNOW YOU NEED to be careful of what you ask me ...because i will BLAST TRUTH ...and in doing so set some people FREE...MYSELF AND YOU INCLUDED...GOD BLESS YOU all the best CORNELIUS... __________________________________________________ | |
corneliuswashington ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 14:11:30 chris is very sexy..i will say THAT..he constantly was SHOCKING on the show...there were several gay porn stars that were on the show too...to quote my BOO DAVID LEDDICK..CHRIS MELONI IS IN THE VANGUARD OF 21ST CENTURY PERSONALITIES... __________________________________________________ | |
corneliuswashington ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 13:58:37 those 2 men are INCREDIBLE...chris wife works with a major aids charity and she got him to take time off of one of his shows you know hes also on LAW AND ORDER SVU...he got MOBBED he said he felt like MADONNA...also for some reason he and his tv boyfriend were at some big function that had ALL the media there and the media kept screaming for them to DEEP KISS and while holding their wives hands and with their permission DID IT everyone CHEERED .... __________________________________________________ | |
StephanAOTTO ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 13:49:03 Too much information! TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!! LOL!!! __________________________________________________ | |
corneliuswashington ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 13:48:41 the show...someone gave me just about every ep on dvd format...MOCKS HOMOSEXUALITY...yeah its sexy and all that but inthe show they just sling it out there WRONG...the directors all speak about their work on the dvds and the creator does too and they just are WRONG...i in my day job still work with ex cons in rehab and stuff and a lot of you porn stars have JACKETS...and believe me OZ is just the ULTIMATE in SHADE on GAY PEOPLE... NOW the 2 guys chris meloni and his BOY BITCH HERO on the show... __________________________________________________ | |
corneliuswashington ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 13:42:01 oh now you trying to get in my LAUNDRY...AINT NO SHAME IN MY GAME...only 1...but heres the BIZARRE PART...i had sex with the big muscly man BEFORE HE BECAME A CON THEN AN EX CON...when he came out of prison he decided to come out BIG TIME...he became a big upfront TRANSVESTITE... now lets discuss OZ shall we...its REAL but not REAL ENOUGH... __________________________________________________ | |
StephanAOTTO ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 13:38:55 Well, CW, after that, there's nothin' else for me to do but grab my fan and start swayin'!!!lol "Mmmmmmmmmm, Oh Lawd!" Remember that campfire scene in "Glory", right before they all go into battle? __________________________________________________ | |
corneliuswashington ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 13:34:00 you bring ANY of your singers here to me in front of me and i can OUT SING THEM...he LAUGHED...then another ex con said...I CANT STAND CORNELIUS..BUT HE CAN FUCKING SING HE MAKES ME WANT TO CRY WHEN HE SINGS AND I DONT WANT TO CRY..YALL NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE... now some of my people still go to that church...and they defend me my oldest brother especially...YES HES GAY AND GOD LOVES HIM TOO..AND HE CAN OUTSING ANY OF YOU IN THE CHOIR..GOD GAVE HIM THAT TO DO ... __________________________________________________ | |
StephanAOTTO ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 13:27:58 BTW, CW, are the real ex-cons as hot as the ones on "OZ"? Just askin'.....lol. __________________________________________________ | |
corneliuswashington ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 13:26:45 they FUCKING CHEERED..one ex con said YALL NEED TO HANG THAT SHIT UP THATS WHY MOTHERFUCKERS DONT WANT TO GO TO CHURCH ALL THAT JUDGEMENT LET CORNELIUS SING WITH US BROKE DOWN MOTHERFUCKERS...you KNOW i HOLLARED then the guy said...oh are you afraid that the people in OUR choir would give you competition...i LAUGHED..you see their choir has won numerous national awards...i said ..... __________________________________________________ | |
corneliuswashington ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 13:19:10 heres another one ...because of my success i started volunteering to feed the homeless and i would sing just before the prayer over the food...in a church basement...another church came to me and wanted me to sing to support a political candidate they were backing actually it was MY church as a child...i said HELL NO THAT CHURCH IS HOMOPHOBIC I REBUKE IT...the church i sang at..had ROUGH HARD CORE EX CONS we would feed... __________________________________________________ | |
StephanAOTTO ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 13:07:36 THAT is why the time has come for ALL people to say HELL NO to being subjugated in ANY way. Thank you, CW, for that inspiring story. If that doesn't make some folks want to walk a bit taller... Black church & rap people had better realize that the more homophobia comes from them, the less likey they are to be listened to when THEY begin screaming about being discriminated against, etc. "Do unto others", but, it's funny how "Christians" always forget that part.... __________________________________________________ | |
corneliuswashington ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 13:00:20 ...have SELF RESPECT not to work with HOMOPHOBES..LET ALONE PUT MYSELF IN A POSITION OF DANGER...long story short they hugged me when they met me and said they were VERY sorry that a FEW people were making them look bad..the video was a HUGE SUCCESS...and i even got a present from them and a LOVELY NOTE from one of the bigwigs at BET...people must stand up for themselves the power of the tiny word NO...has a lot of weight sooo __________________________________________________ |
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Diana Ross, Kennedy Center Honoree (Part 3)
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