Monday, January 21, 2008

DRAMA: this will be over soon... last of xx

Duration: 11:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-31 18:03:52
User: inmendham
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I will try to get the letter out to yt tomorrow... see if we can end this before we hit 50 videos. what is the youtube ownage record?


majesticlizard ::: Favorites  2008-01-14 23:53:16

I've enjoyed listening to some of your videos. You are obviously very intelligent. However, you are obviously suffering from some type of psychotic break-down and it worries me. Please get help.
xeryph ::: Favorites  2008-01-13 17:44:38

Oh man, you're weird.
LVentertainer ::: Favorites  2008-01-13 00:27:24

he's not going to do anything.
Pooper0101 ::: Favorites  2008-01-12 14:38:20

Crack kills T_T
sonicmilk ::: Favorites  2007-09-01 04:49:39

You can't win shit in the courts...I predict that ever time you go to court you will lose. Our system is over burdened, please keep your frivilous cases out of it.
doobiesmk ::: Favorites  2007-08-31 22:57:34

It seems like he's making the same kind of moves that got OneLessGod banned (or I believe this is what got OLG banned): inability to give up the fight at any cost. That need to show who has the biggest dick is gonna come back and bite him on the ass. If he's likening you to Brett Keane, he's betraying his need to play to the mob rule mentality.
squiggey ::: Favorites  2007-08-31 22:38:19

Not every response. Just one. If you listened to that video you heard xx talking about personal things with no relevans. It provoked someone to make a response with doc dropping. This was a direct consequence of harddrive's video. He provoked this and should have realized it was going too far. Could have removed the video. Giving out personal information is a serious thing. Someone can get killed. A video isn't worth it. Neither is saving your stupid pride.
CousinoMacul ::: Favorites  2007-08-31 21:11:18

Yeah atr, I'm not too sure either, but wishful thinking is quite powerful, you know. ;-) Go inmendham!
Slider1207 ::: Favorites  2007-08-31 21:05:08

His rationale for not doing anything about the doc dropper was not because "he didn't like you". You are putting words in his mouth. Not saying that's not the real reason; but you clearly stated that he's giving away "evidence" for you to use. And this bit, which you seemed to emphasized, was not even established in his video, so therefore it's an assumption, and not "evidence".
ric4567 ::: Favorites  2007-08-31 20:15:18

what will youtube do? they will ban the person who posted your information (if that has not happened yet) and maybe give harddrive a warning (for what? for being an asshole?) you can not demand from someone with 200 Videos to approve every response.
ric4567 ::: Favorites  2007-08-31 20:14:57

If you are not comfortable with that don't make it available (or connectable) I find it quite low that Harddrive did not remove the information as soon as he saw it (Harddrive I know you read this) but then you did not make that big of an effort to conceal your Identity either.... Its like you tell your insurance company that you locked the car but left the window open.
ric4567 ::: Favorites  2007-08-31 20:14:32

Information YOU make available is more or less fair game. It will *alaways* stay on the Internet (you can download videos from youtube to your drive and store them forever same goes for every other Information you make available) and you will never be able to see what people talk about or write in private messages.
ric4567 ::: Favorites  2007-08-31 20:13:47

you still decide whether your Internet Persona can be traced to your real Persona: Use a generic Name, don't fill in the personal stuff and no one can link the both as long as they do not recognize you (or work for some law enforcement agency). Harddrive seems to have been bright enough to set his account up so no one short from the fbi can trace it to him (what you should have done too)
Ashetheraven ::: Favorites  2007-08-31 19:54:16

Erm, can I just ask, do you really think this is going to work, cause I'm not too sure
438MillionBC ::: Favorites  2007-08-31 19:35:48

Hey man, c'mon...Lionel is a fucking great lawyer.

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