Monday, March 31, 2008

The Crying Game

Duration: 04:05 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-10 08:05:49

A video showing how the Seattle fans use technology to manipulate video images to appear that Pittsburgh was favored in Super Bowl XL. The Best team won the game and that is that. Anything they post, CAN and WILL be used against them. The refs called a good game, and the NFL is NOT rigged...the Seattle fans need to get over it.


lisabob22  2008-03-25 23:03:20

your right tactless. As for the above mentioned penalties watch original broadcast of game if possible, Dish network dvr does not allow me to transfer video so I can't post video I have.
pacmantab  2008-03-25 16:18:23

I have already mentioned your so-call holding calls regarding Pittsburgh as well as your supposed "block in the back." Still awaiting proof of the same. On a personal note, I find your comparing any alledged conspriacy regarding this game to anything regarding 9/11 tactless at best. Not very respectful IMO...
lisabob22  2008-03-25 15:05:38

conspiracy theories like 9-11 was exactly as goverment said, no matter what the facts say? the Steelers & Seahawks had great years to be in SB, too bad the refs ruined what could have been a great game. still no mention of no holding calls on Pittsburg? wonder why?
pacmantab  2008-03-25 11:16:57

Typo - it should have read: "shook the hand of the nearest 'Hawk fan..."
pacmantab  2008-03-25 11:14:19

Seahawks played a good game. Holding Pittsburgh to no first downs until well into the 2nd Qtr. Statistically they led in nearly every category. Unfortunately for them, they did not edge the Steelers in the most important stat: The final score. Poor winners like to rub it in the loser's faces. I, however, shook the hand of the nearly 'Hawk fan to congratulate them on a great season. Poor losers...stir up conspiracy theories on youtube.

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