Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mike Huckabee Defends Barak Obama.

Duration: 04:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-22 18:29:38

Mike Huckabee understand why a lot a persons feels mad because for a long time they suffred discrimination.


Hikaru2g  2008-03-24 20:38:22

The media is just looking for something wrong for Barack Obama but they couldn't find anything so they go after his pastor. He didn't say those things, obviously you can see that wasn't Obama that said anything. Instead of getting mad at Obama you should be upset with the Pastor not him. Common Sense people!
Hikaru2g  2008-03-24 20:37:16

The media and some of the people in this society are angry because Obama told the truth and it was the same for the late Pope John Paul II they got mad at him because he was talking about the racism that goes on in society. The media wanted to make him look like he was starting something when he was not he was just telling the Truth just like Obama
ErickKing91  2008-03-23 20:24:30

I dont think that is true The Obama talks like Martin Luther King but thinks like Malcolm X, but if in one way he agree with a lot with Malcolm X What is the problem with that??????????
ErickKing91  2008-03-23 20:23:42

I dont think that is true The Obama talks like Martin Luther King but thinks like Malcolm X, but if in one way he agree with a lot with Malcolm X What is the problem with that??????????
ErickKing91  2008-03-23 20:23:27

I dont think that is true The Obama talks like Martin Luther King but thinks like Malcolm X, but if in one way he agree with a lot with Malcolm X What is the problem with that??????????

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