Saturday, March 29, 2008

Oracle of Seasons #2 - The Terror from the Skies

Duration: 02:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-29 23:24:23

It's Onox! The horrible fiend comes riding down in a tornado (?) and blasts the entire troupe away, and takes Din with him, and seals her inside a crystal. Without the Oracle, the seasons go into chaos! WHAT EVER WILL WE DO?????? Note: I need to apologize for two things here: 1. Sorry about how short the episodes are. I keep getting the "File cannot be larger than 100 megs" message whenever I try to upload something longer than three minutes. I dont know why, but there you go. 2. The quality. Face it. It sucks. Same reason as before. For SOME reason, if it looks nice and goes over 2 minutes, its over 100 megs. This is the only way I can do it without having 30 second episodes.


tpirfan121  2007-03-27 02:07:49

i think it's called a gameboy player thing for the gamecube....although i'm not quite sure if one could play a gameboy color game on it.
Aposke  2007-02-24 14:06:04

Cool idea. Why didn't you went on making these vids? PS: How did you capture those sequences from the gameboy?

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