Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Duration: 03:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-04 08:25:50

Expolitation of Wales and welsh


idontmakesense  2008-03-29 23:29:34

Wales is our country, how dare the English tell us what we can and cannot do in our own country. C'mon you Welsh, stand up to these foreigners from England, its our country, not theirs.
rhiannonw1  2008-03-09 06:08:38

Who made it a principality? ahem...was it a welsh person?, and the short answer to that one is "NO". Enough of being pushed around, take your prince and shove it where the sun dont shine (that's if the ears will get passed the opening)and his heirs, and leave us to our own devises. Ahhhh thats better.
lolbanon  2008-02-11 13:13:36

wales is a principality, not a COUNTRY!!!!!!!!
joe1joe1  2007-12-27 21:36:43

I live in Trebannws, and I the hate whole pipe line situation. They tell us that one of wales few remaining comodities is its country side. So what do they do? Dig half of it up to supply sothern England with gas! Im all for an independent Wales, Im not a racist and Im not anti english Im just pro-welsh
angeliswings  2007-12-27 20:53:00

Great video!

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