Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ann Coulter on Good Morning America - Full Interview!

Duration: 425 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-28 21:46:05
User: lodak
:::: Favorites

This is the full interview, not the 15 second clip John Edwards put on YouTube to raise campaign cash. Look at the interview and you'll see that the John Edwards/terrorist assassination plot comment makes more sense...when taken in context.

MoveAmericaForward ::: Favorites
Ann is plain-spoken, funny and brilliant. She helped to formulate the arguments supporting the impeachment of Bill Clinton, and I think on that front alone she deserves praise in the annals of history. She's a terrific lady.
07-06-29 15:46:01
jackson295 ::: Favorites
Glad I saw this. Every media report I had heard led me to believe that she wished Edwards was killed. Now I see that all she was doing was remarking that Bill Maher had said that we would have been better off if Dick Cheney had been killed in a terrorist attack, and that if that was OK, then she was OK with saying the same thing about Edwards. It was an obvious joke, and when heard in context couldn't be interpreted as anything else.
07-06-29 15:48:39
lodak ::: Favorites
I'm glad to see the positive responses, once the entire clip is shown. When I heard it, I thought it was pretty funny. What angered me was the misinformation shown on YouTube and the news media in general. When I saw the 15 second clip a few days ago, there no.other.version. on YouTube. WTF? Go Ann!
07-06-29 17:49:07
WhoRadley ::: Favorites
Ok as much as I hate Ann Coulter, that YouTube clip of her was put Waaay out of context.
07-07-02 23:28:21
techn0scho0lbus ::: Favorites
Awesome video.
07-08-05 07:08:59
jefgain ::: Favorites
I am a republican and having Ann Coulter be the rep for my party disturbs me. Personally I think she needs her own party maybe something that starts with Neo or K or skin. And, in this interview her meds have been properly adjusted.
07-08-08 12:08:08
kac56 ::: Favorites
The nut tries to not look like a nut... Don't be fooled, she's still a nut.
07-08-10 01:53:54
jefgain ::: Favorites
Yes, she is acting relatively civil in this particular interview. I feel we should thank who ever is medicating her, FINALLY THE RIGHT DOSAGE AND COMBO.
07-08-10 10:01:23
kac56 ::: Favorites
I think it's an act- someone probably had a talk with her and told her to tone it down. A publisher, Republican strategists, etc...She's still an evil bitch.
07-08-10 10:54:28
jefgain ::: Favorites
I don't believe she would listen to anyone, ever, especially when she is in her other more normal state of meth head euphoria, allegedly. This interview seems like she was fed some kind of horse tranquilizer. She's so calm and polite.
07-08-10 16:04:59

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