Friday, August 3, 2007

'A Commander in Chief Who Knows Nothing About War'

Duration: 204 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-24 02:01:36
User: mmflint
:::: Favorites

Revolt at the ballot box. Revolt on the internets at .

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traumamomma64 ::: Favorites
Well good for your country, but then again, Sweden isn't a super power is it? No, that would be the US - the ONLY remaining super power there is, Hmmm, guess that leaves us a leg up on you 'Swedes'. huh?
07-08-02 21:29:18
genuinecool ::: Favorites
America doesnt know everything and not everything we have here is the best in the world! We can actually learn from other countries! you guys that believe because we could benefit from the french or the english or canadien that somehow that makes america less than great! that line of thinking is so ignorant! Bottom line is we don't know everything!
07-08-02 21:30:53
genuinecool ::: Favorites
For every great empire that has risen in human history there has also been a great fall! dont you forget that!!
07-08-02 21:35:07
genuinecool ::: Favorites
In order for us to remain a great country we need to make friends with our neighbors and be what we once used to be a beacon of light in this world! and thats starts with being nicer and kinder with each other! universal health care for all!!
07-08-02 21:39:21
traumamomma64 ::: Favorites
Yeah, I'll give you that, and it will be because of our secular libs that have taken morality, and caused the degradation of the family unit, that the US finds itself in real peril of being a fallen empire. And just for the record, the US doesn't know everything either. We all could learn from each other's successes and failures, and try to make this world a better place for everyone's sake.
07-08-02 21:44:02
todnyc ::: Favorites
we've been a great empire since about how many years does that leave us, if we're going by the standard set by the Roman Empire, British Empire, and to a lesser extent, Spain, France, and Holland?
07-08-02 22:44:21
genuinecool ::: Favorites
Maybe a couple of hundred! if were lucky! remember back then they didn't have electromagnetic pulse devices, or nuclear bombs! so hopefully we'll be as lucky !
07-08-02 23:08:43
genuinecool ::: Favorites
maybe we should ask the chinese! LOL just kidding !
07-08-02 23:13:07
Fotografens ::: Favorites
once we were if you take a look in the history book
07-08-02 23:13:28
Fotografens ::: Favorites
We feel sorry for you dont you understand? try to get involved in the decisions and for Fu** sake (vote!!)
07-08-02 23:21:23

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