Friday, August 3, 2007

Saturday Night Live: Nancy Pelosi

Duration: 285 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-13 22:09:53
User: NBC
:::: Favorites

Message from your speaker elect Nancy Pelosi.

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geoffhartwell ::: Favorites
Check out my website at (geoffhartwell dot com) and see what that "Naked Hippy" sounds like!
07-06-28 02:23:26
weeks333 ::: Favorites
Of course its slamming democrats. Its exposing how extreme some of their ideas are. And SNL is not conservative at all. They make fun of Republicans just as much its just we're not used to a show that is pretty fair when it comes to making fun of both parties. Most shows are flagrantly liberal and only make fun of Republicans.
07-06-29 12:27:23
gareof ::: Favorites
i'm stuck in the bay area & can tell you that although this is LOL funny, this IS the shit she represents...along with sneaking Socialism. When asked how she would spend tax dollars, nancy said; "..raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed & minorities. We have about 12 mil illegal immigrants in USA who need help, along with millions of unemployed minorities. Taxes money could give these people the standard of living they would like to have as Americans" - Question socialism
07-07-05 12:16:53
circusninja ::: Favorites
07-07-07 12:25:19
poormona ::: Favorites
socialism kicks ass
07-07-12 07:02:41
sacopenapa ::: Favorites
What is the use of a woman as the Speaker of the House if this woman does nothing to stop Bush & Co.? IMPEACH BUSH AND CHENNEY!
07-07-16 17:06:14
kewpiesbadhairday ::: Favorites
(202)225-0100 (Pelosi) please call and demand impeachment, as patriots this is our duty. WE the people will uphold the constitution and NEVER allow ourselves to be ruled by criminals.
07-07-17 05:33:23
fedeman2 ::: Favorites
07-07-28 18:58:17
tjw12 ::: Favorites
I am afraid that this is a lot closer to fact than fiction. She is one scary, out of touch person
07-07-31 14:41:39
fdsgfdq253 ::: Favorites
Cool movie. Try _CAMAHOLIC.NET_ for lovable webcam girls -fdsgfdq253
07-08-02 17:38:31

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