Sunday, August 5, 2007

Governor Romney: Showing Strong Conservative Leadership

Duration: 57 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-15 21:49:52
User: GovMittRomney
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Governor Romney: Showing Strong Conservative Leadership

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catobear1704 ::: Favorites
Marshall: I understand that not EVERY state has passed anti-gay laws, but you were making (or, at least I read like this) that all of the American people, as opposed to activist judges, were against gay marriage. I was attempting to point out that this was not the case.
07-05-29 02:23:05
catobear1704 ::: Favorites
Mmarshall: Think about it my friend. You can raise your children with whatever religion, idealogy, prejudices, you like. And no one, according to the Constitution and its recoginition of man's Natural Rights (think Cicero, Paine, etc.), can tell you other wise. The same goes for people, and their lifestyles, who you might disagree with. But the only way to combat this "social experimenting" is by reason, civil debate, and contact with your "foes"---not legaslative force.
07-05-29 02:31:17
catobear1704 ::: Favorites
Ron Paul for Prez.
07-05-29 02:31:36
mmarshall76 ::: Favorites
Well, as a law student, you'll soon learn all about how the Supreme Court has held over and again that the government has a legitimate state interest in children, marriage, and the family. There are many very good arguments for why these are compelling and legitimate state interests. Read the opinions closely and your views may begin to drastically change on this point you just made. Marriage is not in all cases rooted in religion.
07-05-29 11:47:11
mmarshall76 ::: Favorites
Cato... well, you simply misread what I wrote then. Clearly I did not make that argument. However, by very democratic and legitimate means (i.e. constitutional amendments), far and away society is rejecting same sex marriage. That's the only point I've made in this regards.
07-05-29 11:50:14
mmarshall76 ::: Favorites
Cato: Hmm... this seems to be one of the odder attacks I've seen on Romney, as he only succeeded in closing MA's $3B budget deficit by reducing government there, since he refused to raise taxes. The $1B surplus MA ended up w/ when he left office didn't make itself. Waste was reduced, programs streamlined. Romney did the same for the Olympics, & in biz before that. I believe only Romney has the needed real world experience to go to Washington & REDUCE the size of gov.
07-05-29 11:56:24
mmarshall76 ::: Favorites
Cato: We agree in part, that "civil debate, & contact w/ your foes" is important (though I wouldn't call you my "foe"). But, ur wrong to assume this isn't taking place or that going through constitutional amendment processes don't (on a societal level) reflect the same. If one looks at the process of amending constitutions, it's an arduous process, w/ high hurdles to pass. It gives the best realistic opp for society to debate gay marriage. The bans in the U.S. are very legitimate.
07-05-29 12:06:22
jdcall23 ::: Favorites
Ron Paul (last "true" Republican) for president
07-05-30 00:18:32
jjones1987 ::: Favorites
For the view of an average, everyday person. See my video, Mitt Romney for President 2008!!! Just click on my user name.
07-07-20 02:50:37
jjones1987 ::: Favorites
For the view of an average person about Mitt Romney. Check out my videos on why I like Mitt, what his policies are, and why I think he views are good for the country! Just click on my username to check them out!
07-07-26 18:38:50

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