Sunday, August 5, 2007

Tagg Romney on Big Story

Duration: 99 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-16 11:05:58
User: GovMittRomney
:::: Favorites

Tagg Romney on Big Story

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eisen8388 ::: Favorites
Tagg Romney and Mitt Romney look exactly the same.
07-03-16 13:46:14
Tytyfab ::: Favorites
Mitt and Tagg. lol.
07-03-16 15:21:02
WiseSouthernChap ::: Favorites
That's right Tagg. He's not running for PASTOR, HE'S RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT!...Let's do a character comparison between all of the canidates and see where Romney lines up.
07-03-16 16:33:00
ammaroo1975 ::: Favorites
I wish the media would drop the whole religion thing. It's getting old. Look at the man and his life. Mitt Romney has more character in his pinky than all of the politicians in Washington combined, not the mention the other candidates for prez.
07-03-16 17:01:43
goamerica2008 ::: Favorites
This is the Best guy, the country has ever seen since regan!! just look at his proven track record !!!!
07-03-23 21:32:44
entreprenosis ::: Favorites
Mitt Romney's poll numbers are leading the way in Iowa and New Hampshire. Even in California, Romney's support among Republicans has risen from 10% to 32% while Giuliani's has dropped from 41% to less than 15% in the same time (Feb to June 2007, see Datamar Inc.)
07-07-04 05:02:57
jjones1987 ::: Favorites
For the view of an average, everyday person. See my video, Mitt Romney for President 2008!!! Just click on my user name.
07-07-20 03:31:22
jjones1987 ::: Favorites
For the view of an average person about Mitt Romney. Check out my videos on why I like Mitt, what his policies are, and why I think he views are good for the country! Just click on my username to check them out!
07-07-26 19:35:42

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