Thursday, August 2, 2007


Duration: 103 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-17 12:40:59
User: henryjanok
:::: Favorites

deadly chuckwagon race july 15, 2007 saturday's night heat (7) report by CTV NEWS

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henryjanok ::: Favorites
thanks for the comment.
07-07-19 10:01:47
12exceller ::: Favorites
Anyway you look at this... It's a terrible tragedy. Chanse Vigen is a hero, that's the only thing that is clear.
07-07-22 07:35:02
henryjanok ::: Favorites
thanks for the comment
07-07-22 10:48:50
RiazBigCock ::: Favorites
I must say I am feel sorry for Tyler Helmig's wife, she is confuse and don't who to blame accept Ray Mitsuing's team. It is the white man that cause her husband injury not the Native man.
07-07-25 00:35:26
12exceller ::: Favorites
Good lord, please don't bring "race" into this. Geesh. Just for thought... imagine I had of said what you just said, except reverse it. Sounds stupid doesn't it? And guess what? I'd be lambasted for it. Grow up, it was an accident, no conspiracy.
07-07-25 00:42:25
Kalgarysuck ::: Favorites
Calgary Stampede Chuckwagon race suck, too bad only one cowboy is injured, we need more of them injured, it is Karmic Justice for the animals. 3 horses heart stopped in this tragedy. We need that bull that took out Lane Frost to come to Calgary and show these cowboys who is the boss.
07-07-25 20:14:16
12exceller ::: Favorites
Wow, I think my IQ just plummeted 20 points reading that. Learn grammar and maybe you'd be able to get your point across better. I'm actually not in total disagreement with you on this, but jesus, you sound like a flippin' idiot.
07-07-25 23:29:54
RiazBigCock ::: Favorites
What Calgarysuck mean, fuck the cowboys and save the horse you fucking exceller, is 12 your IQ or your fucking age ashole.
07-07-26 01:14:57
RiazBigCock ::: Favorites
exceller must be one of those rednecked cowboys.
07-07-26 01:16:24
12exceller ::: Favorites
Must be. I said what I said, politely. You're the one who showed yourself to be the asshole. Ta.
07-07-26 07:53:55

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