Sunday, September 30, 2007

GameDaily's E3 2006 Video Blog: Entry #8

Duration: 01:07 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-11 11:01:04
User: gamedaily
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Go inside of Nintendo's E3 booth and check out Wii!


KingSnuffy ::: Favorites
now if you started reading this dont stop its really scarey!ok send this to five other videos in 143 minutes.When you are done press F6 and your crushes name will apear on the screen in big letters this is weird because it does work.If you break this chance you wont have a crush in the next five years
07-04-07 15:17:15
choliver3612 ::: Favorites
oi wat do u mob get out of talking shit about other consoles they will just keep bringing more out ver few years so dont bother. man i bet ur just to poor to buy one
07-03-19 02:37:51
duckerquack ::: Favorites
07-02-25 17:09:15
BebopVox ::: Favorites
god wii looks so stupid lol, its like they went downhill instead of up
06-11-26 06:38:25
Gabbsmo ::: Favorites
Maybe for GC games
06-11-23 16:41:09
ThreeSixWii ::: Favorites
the wii will be a GREAT complement to the 360. Afterall the Wii puls the 360 is going to cost LESS THAN THE GAY PS3
06-08-26 22:30:46
KanameTousen ::: Favorites
If you have questions on the system talk to me I've been researching it for awhile(before E3 06') and have alot of info just give me those FAQs about games, hardware facts even price I'll tell you what I know rumors I've heard about it and sites with those facts
06-07-07 19:52:53
GraveRiser ::: Favorites
I like the controller. I mean if you get angry you can put them together and pretend you tor eit in half. ANd plus its more easily movable.
06-07-02 21:11:06
NightowlDarksky ::: Favorites
It's an impressive console and I hope it gets full support unlike the Cube and N64. Sony has dominated the industry for a few years too long so I hope this does super well. Don't get me wrong, I love my PlayStation's, but I don't like the way Sony go about things.
06-06-30 04:00:27
HoliCrapItsAllan ::: Favorites
I want a Wii...when i saw the commercial for it, I thought it was going to be a stupid system...but up close, it looks way better!
06-06-08 18:53:53

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