Sunday, September 30, 2007

Halo 3 Medals

Duration: 00:28 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-18 17:06:52
User: QKZWarrior3000
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list of medals you get by killing people.


joe69nl22 ::: Favorites
wow its called halo 3 i bet u didnt even notice that some medals were named diferrently !!! "u dumb fuck"
07-09-10 18:25:20
Rbrcka ::: Favorites
oo sorry, maybe im just some guy who has never played halo 2 that often and was checking up on halo 3 seeing this video, a simple "some of those were in halo 2" would have been sufficient, but u had to come off as an ass and call my a dumb fuck....ur mean
07-09-01 11:59:40
sergd259259 ::: Favorites
half of those were in halo 2 u dumb fuck
07-08-31 21:04:58
n0g0alF4U ::: Favorites
i like how he missed one of the no scopes when the guy was standing still and he lined it up and still
07-08-25 04:39:19
n0g0alF4U ::: Favorites
hahahahahahaha they definitely shoulda put that one in
07-08-25 04:38:26
n0g0alF4U ::: Favorites
ya ur a retard hes just showin people the medals ya fuckin idiot
07-08-25 04:37:47
n0g0alF4U ::: Favorites
not really
07-08-25 04:37:04
Rbrcka ::: Favorites
LMFAO dude wtf, killionare? killimanjaro? killpoclaypse? killtrocity? killtastrophe?
07-08-07 13:01:14
D3athR3aPeR ::: Favorites
yeah, they should put overkill as the last one...that would make sense..i guess
07-07-27 16:33:48
IXIQuASaRIXI ::: Favorites
they should change the name of over kill i think it sounds pretty gay all the other medals sart with kill something except for over kill
07-07-26 02:31:38

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